The birth of
The Reconnection

Dr. Eric Pearl e Jillian Fleer
A graduate of Chiropractic Medicine from Cleveland Chiropractic College in Los Angeles, Dr. Eric Pearl (pictured with his life partner Jillian) ran one of Los Angeles’ premier chiropractic centers for twelve years when, in August 1993, his patients they began to report that they had received noticeable improvements in all areas of their life, simply by holding his hands close to them, without physically touching them.
For a period of two months his hands witnessed particular sensations. Serious issues were completely reduced or disappeared, all while Eric simply “listened” to the energy of his customers with his own hands.
Realizing this unexpected potential, which belongs to all of us and which he subsequently gave the name of Reconnective Healing, from that moment Dr. Pearl began to help his patients in this way and gave birth to a serious research supported by experiments carried out by well-known universities such as Stanford University, the University of Arizona and St. Petersburg.
His incredible story is told in the book ‘The Reconnection, Heal Others Heal Yourself’, translated into 39 languages, one of the six volumes he published in which, among other things, the improvements of his patients are narrated.
Eric has participated in numerous television programs in the US and around the world, has been invited to speak at the United Nations, has given a seminar in a packed Madison Square Garden, and his lectures have been published in numerous magazines, including New York Times.
Eric and Reconnective Healing have received considerable interest from physicians and scientific researchers working at hospitals and universities around the world, including Jackson Memorial Hospital, UCLA, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, VA Hospital, the University of Minnesota, the University of Miami Medical Institute and the University of Arizona, at which several seminars were also held at the express request of Dr. Andrei Weil.
Eric’s wish is that one day everyone will learn to access this natural ability and use it to heal themselves and others: thus, with his work, Eric and Reconnective Academy International, bring ‘the light and information‘ of Reconnective Healing throughout the world, teaching how to perceive and use these new and full spectrum frequencies that are present on the planet and that allow access to a new energy level until recently unknown.
To date Eric Pearl – with the help of his International Team and together with his partner of life Jillian Fleer – has taught Reconnective Healing to more than 120,000 professionals in over 60 countries, in order to give birth to a spontaneous generation of ” Lightworkers ”, as he himself likes to define them.